Tuesday, May 17, 2011

heather hall photo collage concept

here is my photo collage of my level. I'm going to be doing a desert city reminiscent of medieval Arabia. The plants that are featured here are date palms, Doum palms, Eragrostis, and Thyme.


  1. I love the feel of this. I feel that this is going to be hard (definitely for me) to model--with the domes and and variety of the city.

    Beautiful concept though.

  2. This is a nice concept since it is a bit different from what everyone else is doing! Are you going to have a lot of buildings like in your pictures? That would be a lot of work. You should look at The first Assassin's Creed game where they had cities like this in their game. You should have a top down map so that we know (and you know) where everything is.

  3. Domes should be really easy. The hard part will be the trees.

  4. the problem with trying to do the domes is poly count. Balancing enough polygons to make it look round but not force cutting polygons from other objects to make it look right. I like the sandy/desert setting too.

  5. I am looking forward to seeing where you take this. Will you be making a large city or small or something in between? That could change the scale of your buildings because a small oasis town is very different than a bustling city. Could help to make basic houses that can work together easily.

  6. Personally, I'm not a fan of desert settings, but the architecture you want to add to it is amazing. The images that you've provided give a great idea of the environment you want to flesh out, and makes it easy to imagine it.
