Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Eco - in progress...

Castle on a Cliff: Ecosystem 2

I am running a bit behind! I will be working on the terrain and more of the ecosystem later today. For now, here is my trees so far:

Here is my final concept art for this place:

Eco LODs: 4 LODs including a soft/hard collision model

Highest LOD has a normal map applied.

Joshua Morrison's Pine LOD

Here are my pine tree LODs I still need to render some trees for the background LOD. I did an extra tree to test out adding some more branches. I drew up my own texture using Photoshop, and just made a circler plane and displaced it manually with some loops.

Terrain and Ecosystem Update

The lowest LOD tree. It kills me on the inside because I hate doing things this low poly but I plan on having 3 LODs. This came out to 60~ polys without the canopy.

The terrain I ended up creating. The Height Map was hand painted and tweaked. Minor changes need to be made to perfect it.

Height Map used to generate the above terrain.

Ecosystems update

Here is my lowest LOD tree so far.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Race Circuit Elevation Chart

I wanted my race circuit to have multiple elevation changes through out. So, here is a very simple 3d elevation chart to give an idea of how the track will ultimately look.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Race Circuit ref pics

Some ref pics of what my race circuit will look like, as well as a layout. I did not have time to create a height map and I'm not sure if I ultimatley will since I am going more for hills while height maps seem better suited for mountains.

Joshua Morrison's Terrain Render

Here is render of my Northern World. I still want to add some rock textures and other changes in colors.

Terrain WIP

The completed area with the hills is 9000x9000 feet, the other plains will be attached to fill space all around it, then I need to do mountains in the backgrounds, which will be done using a height map.

Teresa Updates

Height Map
Terrain Screenshot

The terrain needs more work; I unfortunately had a lot of work I had to do this weekend--so I was not able to pay complete attention to this for detail.

Terrain WIP

I've worked on the terrain that surrounds my mall, as well as the craters that will be in it. I'm still planning out the road(s) that will lead to it, and then I will be applying those in the texture map.



Post your Terrain and let's Scrum!

Excited to see what you all have been working on!

Castle on a Cliff: Ecosystem

I continued working on the concept art for my castle town:

Then I created my height map:

And made it 3D:

AND I started working on some concepts for the ecosystem:

Meditation Tree

The amount of time I had to work over the weekend was very little, so I have limited progress to show. I got the concept down for the meditation tree that is the central focus of the temple grounds. I wanted to throw colors in as a rough idea but I didn't get around to it. I plan on finishing up the architecture pieces and throwing color into them and the tree before next SCRUM meeting.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Caslte on a Cliff 2

I was very busy the past two days and this is all I could get out. I have a top down map and I am still working on the colored example, but it gives you a better feel on the color palette. I will flesh out the buildings and the ecosystem when we get to them. I also changed a few things on the concept art. I got rid of the moat because it would not make much sense and I change the flow of the water so that the water wheels would get more flow.


Sorry for bad quality. Scanner is not working but will post a better one soon

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Teresa's World Concept--take 2.

This is a top down view of what the scene should basically look like. There will be different sizes of trees in the forest and/or higher/lower terrains.

I drew up a few new concept pieces. I also inlaid a piece of texture inside one, so people can get the feel of what I was going for. I have also added another piece of texture that I created.

This scene is going to have two houses, a carriage, a stream of water with a bridge over top, and a forest surrounding it.

Joshua Morrison's Concept Style Guide

Here is the updated concept for my world. I have my modular cabin made up of two logs one short one long. A door, window, roof plane, and triangle roof plane. I added a stone wall that could also double as support for the cabin. I also drew up some small shrubbery that can be places on one plane and duplicated around to make the illusion of bushes.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Alicia Preston Concept

Modular Pieces for Afflicted

A Collage of some ideas for modular pieces for The afflicted project. The buildings will utilize a more cyberpunk-ish metallic silver material.

Teresa's Concept World

heather hall photo collage concept

here is my photo collage of my level. I'm going to be doing a desert city reminiscent of medieval Arabia. The plants that are featured here are date palms, Doum palms, Eragrostis, and Thyme.

Joshua Morrison's Concept World

Castle on a Cliff

I am creating a castle town by on a cliff! I got the idea from a concept art done for Fable 3: Here. I wanted to create a medieval town in an interesting way so I added water. The last picture are my thumbnails of what I wanted and the first one is the concept I am going with. It shall be colored soon...

The Temple on Glacin IV

So, a brief text block to describe my idea. The setting is an ancient (yet much more advanced) ruined temple. This set of ruins is one of a great many more, probably thousands. I certainly don't know, I can't fly out there to count. The idea is inspired a lot by the Jedi in Star Wars (architecturally) and the theme more from Uncharted. I'm trying to design the layout of the temple grounds with gameplay in mind, which is interesting because a lot of the things I want to do would interrupt the flow of the level even though it would probably look good artistically in the setting. Anyway, the pallet for the architecture is like white marble with gold inlays and designs, while the glow from the still-active technology is more of a softer blue -- most of the time.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Ruined Mall

Here's the concept of the mall that I am working on. I found these really good images of a ruined mall and stores that I thought were perfect for inspiration. So I'll be taking heavily from these. I also have the general layout of the mall that I'll be building. The darker spots in the image are craters, or collapsed areas of the mall. As far as flora are concerned, I was planning on having a bunch of dead trees, as well as a dirty old, fake Christmas tree somewhere. I have not decided yet on the placement of hills, as well as some other details that I want in the piece, such as lighting fixtures, drains, fallen trees etc.